"Bitter and Sweet" is a work by Anna Foshee and Sara Wallace delving into the themes of memory and nostalgia. It aims to immerse the audience in a voyage through various "rooms" of the mind within the confines of Artplay House. The piece builds on the memories that we, as humans, accumulate over our lifetimes—memories that define us, trigger recollection, and prompt introspection about our identity.
Where: ArtPlay House - 1006 19th St. S, Birmingham , Al 35205
When: August 2-4th, 2024
August 2nd - 6:30 & 8:00
August 3rd - 6:30 & 8:00
August 4th - 2:00, 4:00 & 6:00
Tickets are limited and only available online:
* This entire work will be on the first floor of ArtPlay House. It is wheelchair accessible.